
Scrambled or Fried?

117 degrees is the predicted temperature in Phoenix tomorrow, and I'm expected to go on living.


Mallory said...

I'm sending you some Aladdin pants, a bed of nails, and a large block of ice in the mail. You know, so you can reach the 18th level of the Perkis system by Labor Day. The ice is bound to cool you off.

Anonymous said...

Mallory, that comment just sent me to the moon. Also, I would just stand outside and scream if it were that hot. Good luck.

Ellie said...

How you feel about the Arizona heat is how I feel about the snow when I'm not skiing. How anyone is expected to live in such conditions is beyond me.

anna said...

Arizona, where do you get off?

The Campbells said...

Wow-that's hot! Can't wait to see you this weekend. Love you

The Campbells said...

By the way, I totally agree with Ellie's comment.