

I don't even know how to begin to write a post about my friend Mallory...the more appropriate thing to do would be to ski down the entirety of Mt. Everest in a gold jumpsuit, sparklers, and holding a poster that says "Mallory is #1!"

But seriously, she is.

I received a care package from her the other day and this was one of the many delightful surprises found inside:

(The two of us having a picnic on what appears to be Mt. Doom.)

This little gem is just one of the many great things I love about Mallory. But even more than her depictions of us doing normal things in an unrealistic setting, I cherish her humor. I wish the world could know Mallory. Probably one of the most entertaining things to do is to sit down and watch a movie with her. Instantly everything ridiculous and hilarious in a movie becomes apparent and the world makes sense.

It's possible that Mallory has the oldest soul in the world and pretty much understands how things are supposed to be.

If ever there is anything funny, confusing, outrageous, nerdy, awesome, or (insert any word), I always go to Mallory. She just gets it.

Anyway Mal, you're just too good of a friend to be true. I love you!


Emily said...

I Love Mallory. She is with out a doubt the greatest person I have ever met.

anna said...

Mallory is my hero.

Katherine said...

You put it so well

Anonymous said...

I lived with Mallory for a solid fourteen years and I think I am a better person from it.

laura said...

friends like that come by once in a lifetime. i'm happy you two have each other. xo.

Anonymous said...

This is too much. You are too much, in every good way.
I love you.

I can't wait until we laugh so hard that we pass out. I feel like we're building up to that moment, all the time.