
Oh, you.

Every Saturday I teach a couple classes for a children's art workshop at ASU. Working with all the adorable little kids has quickly become a favorite part of my week. A couple of weeks ago I was cleaning up from my last class of the day and one of my younger girls stayed after to help. This was our conversation, and none of it is exaggerated:

Me: So what are you going to do with the rest of your day?

Student: Ah Miss, I'm going to organize my toy box and then probably go to a movie with my mom. I bet you're happy I'm helping you clean.

Me: Yes, I'm very happy you're helping. I think we've done a pretty good job.

Student: That's because I'm good at cleaning and we're the same size, so it's like two of you cleaning. I'm tall for my age. (...And she is)

Me: (Laughing) You're right, it is like two of me cleaning.

Student: Miss, what you got going on the rest of the day?

Me: Well, I think...

Student: I bet you going to go home, kick off those old shoes, throw up your feet, have some chocolate milk and watch something nice on the television. Maybe take a nap too? Maybe you'll go on a date, but not if you have children. Do you have children, Miss? I think you might be 40. That's how old my mom is. You both have...

Me: Alright, just keep drying off those paint pallets.


Justin said...

40 is the new 20.

Ellie said...

I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed that. I have a book full of conversations similar to this. Better than being told you are 16 (yeah, it happened to me once). Kids.

The Campbells said...

I love that story. Kids are sometimes a little too honest/blunt...

Anonymous said...


I enjoyed every single word of this. Kick of those old shoes with some chocolate milk and a nap.

Anonymous said...

you may have encountered me as a four year old. the me that wasn't preoccupied with dinosaurs and baseball.

Connie Whitesides said...

A polite little character. I forget that kids are so funny when I am surrounded by them. Thanks for the reminder...now go kick off those shoes...

Abby said...

Arthur and chocolate milk sure do sound like a winning after school combo to me

laura said...

oh, man. hilarious. i love this story.

Adrienne said...

I feel like we're living the same life. Except mine goes like this:

Adrienne: I have a brother named Colton but he spells his name with a 'C'.
Kolton: Now I know three other Coltons!
Adrienne: Yeah, my brother is 16 and plays football.
Kolton: Oh, so you're the youngest. I'm not the youngest in my family. I have a little brother.
Adrienne: Wait, how old do you think I am?
Kolton: I don't know. 14?

Kids. Are. Hilarious.