
A Few Funny Things

I'm still in complete shock over my move to Arizona and a quick start to school and when I'm suddenly thrown into new situations and presented with decision making my mind tends to think outrageously and irrationally.

I think I mentioned in my last post about writing a $20,000.00 check and wandering aimlessly through strange cities...that's just a small sample, it gets better--Today I walked into the men's bathroom.

Here's what happened: Taking in the confusion of the day and needing to relieve myself of the gallon of water I chugged that morning, I headed for the bathrooms in the Union building. Without really considering my surroundings I first open what I think is the women's bathroom door and found it to be a janitors closet. I laughed at myself and turned to see if anyone saw me do this, a few people sitting at tables did. Still laughing, I head for the door adjacent noticing the universal bathroom stick figure."Ah, the bathroom" I said to myself. In I walked and of course there are a couple of guys at a urinal and another washing his hands. Wide-eyed, I apologized and headed back out. Same people who saw me open the janitors closet were waiting for me when I got out...also very wide-eyed.

Yay for graduate school!

Side note: I'm at war with my roommate's cat. It only makes itself known to me when nighttime comes around but always in the creepiest way possible. Out of the shadows I'll hear a hiss and see gleaming eyes dart past me and disappear somewhere...watching. I sleep with my bedroom door locked but still lay awake in fear that he'll pick it with his dew claw and smother me in my sleep. The other night I got up to go to the bathroom and came back out to find a bag strategically placed outside the door and near the stairs. I'm convinced the cat placed it there hoping I'd trip and tumble down the stairs.

Well that's it for now.


Karli said...

hahaha oh amy. this kills me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I can stop laughing with the image of the sneaky cat picking the lock with its paw.
Ah yes, the universal stick figure bathroom sign hahahaha oh what I would give to be in your pocket.

anna said...

maybe the cat is salem and your sabrina and he's just waiting for you to figure it all out. you would love that.

The Campbells said...

Love the stories. One question, did you ever find the right bathroom?
Love ya, Amy!

courtney brooke said...

you have the funniest and most entertaining life. can you tell i am catching up on reading all of your posts? oh i just love these.