I have evening classes this semester and I don't usually get out until around 10:30 pm. I also park really far away from campus, out near some train tracks and an abandoned warehouse (it's a long story why I have to park there) anyway, not the best situation for a child-sized gal like me that speed walks faster than she runs.
So lately I've turned into a little social butterfly in an attempt to get rides from my schoolmates to my car parked way the heck out in Gotham City.
I sure do seem to ask the most interesting people in my classes. I've already gotten a lift from not one--but two practicing Wiccans, a classmate's teenage son and his girlfriend, an alcoholic, a girl who was on So You Think You Can Dance, someone with the last name Lubck (don't know how that's possible), and the list of bizarreness goes on.
The best part of this whole thing is how I end up asking for rides, convincing the driver that it was their idea.
Example: walking out of class I asked Gloria if she knew if the buses were running this late.
Gloria: "I don't know...why? Do you park very far?"
Me: "Oh, well kind of but hey, it's a great workout!"
Gloria: "But it's so late and dark."
Me: "Just reason to walk faster haha!"
Gloria: "Uh no, you're coming with me."
Me: "No, I couldn't. It's probably out of your way."
Gloria: "No I don't care, I'm driving you."
Me: "Well this is just so nice of you, thanks!"
Done and done.
Mom and Dad don't worry, I've got it all under control. Luckily I keep forgetting deodorant so if anyone came within 5 feet of me and I began to perspire...we'd all lose.
Oh and we watched this little treat in class: