I don't even know where to begin with this topic so I'll just dive on in to what's offending me these days...
Oh my freaking heck they are everywhere. I don't know if it's because the temperature is climbing higher and higher each day until Arizona explodes---maybe the flies need air conditioning too? Who knows. But seriously, daily I'm finding flies in places that no fly has business being: my makeup box, in my socks, relaxing on my pillow, hovering over my food, sitting on top of my water bottle as if it were his.. Disgusting.
The thing that upsets me most is that I really truly work so hard at making sure that my room and bathroom are spotless. I clean the already clean. Then boom, flies. Flies are the criminals among insects-- the terrorists, swindlers, bums, heroin addicts, wife beaters, Kathy Griffins, skinheads, dare I say rapists-- of the bug world. Get out of here. Scram.
The daily agenda of a fly: touch everything and be gross.
I tolerate most insects, in fact I have a pretty hard time killing most (I swear that if you lean in while smashing a bug you can hear their last breath). These days I'm going out of my way to kill flies, I'm hunting them. Oh but they aren't hard to find, not with an ugly mug like this:

Beat it!
There was nothing about this post not to love. Poop Touch!
Thank you.
Nothing can top this picture. Nothing. The fly's hands!
Ooohhh. Hahahahaha.
Hello Amy this is Jimmy. Try sucking them up with a vacuum, it's the ultra fly killer. You have to take the head of the vacuum off and get 'em with the long skinny part. Unless flies have evolved since I've last done this a few years ago, they'll never see it coming.
Also your post is hilarious and artwork impressive. You have a gift.
this post has emily written all over it. i hate flies. but, i love this drawing. so much.
They are truly annoying... Its almost as if they are invisible sometimes... I can hear them "buzzing" around me, then poof they are no where to be seen... then the "buzzing". Yep, I hate them too!
This disgusts me. Those little idiots should all burn to pieces.
I wish I was a fly on your wall. Watching you would be a humorous thing. Maybe if you were less funny the flies would go away. Just a thought....
Hilarious! But, I have to say I completely agree.
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