I'm driving south on I-10 today, having a great time listening to music and blasting the AC on high.. my car has proved to be a haven for staying cool. So I'm driving along and some guy driving in front of me rolls down his window and launches something into the wind. It blows back and hits my windshield.. oh look, an Arby's bag. Really, guy?! Really?
Who are these people that have no moral compass that should say "Hey, maybe don't throw that out the window.."? Where do these people come from? Are they the same people who leave grocery carts in the parking lot? When I see just 1 shoe in the road, does it belong to them? The Starbucks cups floating in the gutter. Chewed gum on the walls. Toilet paper on the ground in the bathroom. Unflushed toilets. Popcorn on the floor in movie theaters. Skittles between the seats of a rental car. Dried boogers under a desk at school. Stinky refrigerators.. the list could go on.
Anyway.. what I originally intended to blog about: Teen Broadway Camp 2010 at ASU.
You wouldn't believe the things I see walking around campus with this summer camp in action. It's like High School Musical times a billion. Today I was crossing the street with a group of 50 teenagers, all singing a medley of songs from Wicked. Arms flailing, dramatic pauses, for every 1 step taken forward-- 10 steps were taken back in dance movement.. it seriously took them forever to cross the street. I just remember thinking to myself "oh boy, I sure hope my children are normal." Maybe that's horrible to say, but really-- no Broadway Camp, not ever.
Sure made my day interesting though.
Always good for a laugh... You gotta love the drama kids right?
As for those litterers around the world... STOP! what makes you think you have the right? Ughh that bugs me!
I refuse to believe that you didn't join in their song and dance routine. I don't care what you say.
I've wondered if I should do a blog post with only a title of, "Are you really so lazy that you cannot push your shopping cart the extra 10 feet to the collection area? Stop being lazy, I hate you." I agree with this post times 5 billion.
So funny. Makes me wish for the 100th time that I lived in your pocket. I imagine it to smell sweet, be air conditioned and for it to supply me endless McDonalds Diet Cokes.
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