
las montañas

Anna and I often go hiking and I love it for several reasons but I'll just name three:  

1.  I get a chance to clear my head and just BE.
2.  I am reminded that Anna screams just as loud at a caterpillar crawling on her arm as she would if a shark bit her.
3.  The people we meet...oh the people.

I want to address #3, the people.  The other day Anna and were walking along the Bonneville Shoreline trail talking about people who still wear puca shell necklaces when suddenly this "thing" approached us:

It was joined by his two young children--boys, with unicycles (how they attempted to unicycle in the mountains I'll never know).  Much like Fabio this guy had long blond hair and he wore it down so when the wind caught it just right he resembled one of those sleazy guys found on covers of romance novels, the type you find at Albertsons next to the flowers.  As Anna and I passed him we were lucky enough to catch a whiff of his cologne which I can only imagine is titled "Dark Stallion" or "Commander and Lover"...something like that.  Oh and he had perfect teeth...a little too perfect which tends to creep me out.   As we passed he raised his eyebrows as if to say "yes, you think I'm gorgeous." 

Anna gagged and I threw up a little bit in my mouth but as we headed back to the car we regretted not asking him what he conditions his hair with...it had great bounce. 


Connie Whitesides said...

You crack me up...I am sure even if you knew what kind of conditioner he used you wouldn't get the much bounce. Something about testosterone and conditioner. They work really well together

Anonymous said...

I'll laugh every day if I can just think about Fabio approaching me on a mountain trail.

We went hiking on Saturday and I thought of you; we passed two hikers who had skis attached to their backs with poles in their hands--hellooo, it's summer.

Eric and Lindsay said...

puca shell necklaces...Takes me back:)

Justin said...

"Commander and Lover" - that made me laugh. Genuinely laugh.

Karla said...

I think you could write novels!