
Happy Birthday A-top!

Just a little shout out to one of my dearest and oldest friends on her birthday.  

Allison is one of the coolest people I know and here are some numbered reasons why I think so:

1. She has class, real class.  
2. Clothes fit her perfectly, she could wear a potato sack and make it look good.
3. She laughs at all my dorky comments constantly making me feel like a hilarious person.
4. Freshman year of college she ate an entire cake all by herself in one sitting thinking nothing of it.  Shocking, but truly amazing and of course she didn't gain one ounce of fat...I think I did from watching.
5. She puts 110% into everything she does.
6. Hosts amazing dinner parties.
7. She's on my top 5 list of best back scratchers.  
8. Always has mine and other's best interests at heart.
9. Extremely funny but in a random and sarcastic way, genius.
10. Even after 18 years of friendship we always have a fabulous time together.

I love you Atop, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Allison said...

Thanks Amy:) I just love you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Allison, you are the best! Happy Birthday, girlfriend!