

Some of you may know my deep and loving relationship with the sci-fi channel series Ghost Hunters. For those of you who may not have realized how nerdy I truly am...well now you know and I'm okay with this.

Let me just tell you how excited I get about Ghost Hunters: You know that feeling you get right before you step on a ride at Disneyland? Or how about the excitement of seeing your food headed toward your table at a restaurant? All of these joyful feelings and more hardly compare to the geeky elation I feel right before a new episode of Ghost Hunters begins. To take it even further, I'll admit to having turned down dates in the past because they were on the same night as the show. I try not to do that anymore.

Indulge in my weirdness and watch this clip from one of the episodes. I want to share with you my love of all things paranormal and in this clip you'll learn the importance of the infrared camera during ghost hunting (stick it out until the end and you'll see a ghost).

No judging.


Anonymous said...

That freaked me out.

Karli said...

sorry amy, but the chilis commercial came on and i stopped watching.

Sarah said...

Freaky. But how do we know ghosts emit heat? I am a little skeptical. I thought they were white and without substance?

Anonymous said...

I love these shows and I just set a series dvr - thingy for ghost hunters. It pretty much makes me feel great inside.