Do you remember this guy?

It's now 2009 and I have a huge technological dilemma, Facebook: to join or not to join? Eh--I was a facebookee a couple of years ago but after many hours wasted on the egotistical network of self indulgence I cancelled my account and never looked back...until recently. Obviously it's a great way to stay in contact with people you would otherwise never hear from, and where else would I find out that Anna bought the Queen Mary?
The other thing is that I'm a Campbell and thus my pride overrules logic. Of course I should just rejoin and be done with it but then people will say "hey I knew you'd come back," stuff like that. This is what prevents me from joining more than anything.
So I guess what I'm asking is this: Is facebook really worth the effort and upkeep? Does it really improve our lives? Or maybe I'm just better off without it. I've survived two years and I could keep going. What I would give for my Teddy Ruxpin to come back to life and guide me through this world of invasive technological advances. What say ye of facebook my faithful readers (meaning Mallory and Laura)?
amy don't do it. its a trap. once your in, there's no getting out....
waste of time indeed.
however if you want to see what all your high school friends and young women leaders are up to... go right ahead.
i cancelled mine a couple of months ago. its a mind trap...almost as bad as blogs :)
To be honest, even though I just got my Facebook again...I'm still unsure and confused. I got it because I live on the other side of the country so I could keep in touch. On Facebook, on the side there is a box that has names of "friends" Facebook recommends to you and one of them was my former boss from my temp job that nobody else on this planet knows but how on earth did Facebook know that I was associated with this woman at any point in my life? It freaked me out. I have gotten back in touch with a few friends from Washington and honestly, I think about the potential of sharing the gospel and it is one of the few reasons I still have it...but I almost delete it daily. So, in conclusion let's stick with Teddy Ruxpin and don't ask Mallory questions. I mean don't do it and I'm going to delete mine. I mean I don't know.
I have 433 friends on Facebook (thats how you know you're cool but we all know that I had to ask/beg them to be my friends and in some cases pay them) and I talk to 7. I've found that I'm really just not that all that concerned about what my high school choir teacher is thinking or if my brother's friends wife found her lost car keys from 2 days ago. HOWEVER, if you are into stalking there is no better place than Facebook.
Oh it's not like it's 2009 or anything.
I still have my Teddy Ruxpin! And yes you should get facebook. I am pretty sure I saw the new and improved Teddy Ruxpin at Costco, he is still around!
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